may be making that part up, not sure) & bought for him by his father, ^ aargh sorry, tried to format that as a list but it didnt work & is a mess instead. The guy in the video is way older. I am not surprised that this crime was committed there, and I would not be surprised if Indiana law enforcement officers know exactly who did it and are simply too complicit or too incompetent to bring the killer or killers to justice. What we know about the notorious Delphi murders as man charged with killings. A second sketch was released at the press conference held on April 22, 2019. All of his victims were young, thin,attractive women with long brunette hair parted down the middle. That Robert Lindsay guy requested me on Facebook just after the murders because I commented in a group about the girls. I'm wondering if they were lead there to meet a guy they'd been in contact with online, but all did not go as planned. R26 the FBI are involved, yeah. I suspect (just my opinion) that this guy was familiar with the area but not a local and had been scoping out this trail for a target for a while. I thought if I gave a statement, they would still have to prove it. The first sketch was misleading. I really want this guy to pay. But Leigh Kerr may also be a frustrated insider/outsider LE. Very interesting. God, they have to catch this piece of human garbage! eta: The blood and tissue under Libby's fingernails might be her own. In essence, the well has not gone dry.. Of course he is. This change could help broaden the search for Abby and Libbys killer. The guys whose photos were stolen is fug. Either way, this fucker is going down for assault, kidnapping, attempted murder and molestation of a child. It seems like a very bold murder when it's about controlling two people. Unlike other old cases, they were not disposed of because Garnett had continued to appeal his conviction. Dont remember specs well enough . not sure these girls were even old enough to menstruate. R339 it's on facebook. She died on April 11, 2002 in Northport, Long Island, New York, USA. What a tragic shame. Pedophiles identify with him. The basics: Two teen girls walking on a deserted bridge in Feb 2017 go missing and are found brutally murdered the next day, about 3/4 of a mile from the bridge. R383, It was Libby's older sister, Kelsi, who agreed to it. R57 I think theyre on a thread in the Libby and Abby Reddit sub. I think that guy (who has obviously gained a lot of weight since some of them were taken) could very easily be the killer. Ill tell you. Chadwell is an amateur tattoo artist and he got tattoos while he was in prison. The links won't post here. He actually does look like a blend of both. I am not a good judge of age, he looks to be anywhere from late twenties to late thirties, early forties from that photo. If ithe Bridge Man was someone in law enforcement, the girls may have initially trusted him and acted with compliance if he showed his badge. Lawrence, who is now 51 and lives in Wyndmoor, Montgomery County, said he had made approaches to see Garnett and talk about the case. Kegan could definitely be covering up other crimes (he's been arrested for child porn and other related charges so that wouldn't be crazy) but the dates of the backdated FB posts, the wiping of his phone etc. It's too long to post them here. Indiana State Police previously said that autopsies were carried out on Delphi Lawrence was born on March 23, 1932 in the neighbourhood of Hampstead, which is located in the city of London, England, UK. One girl in particular took the brunt of the attack. I think an officer would have a holster, even a hidden one. Does LE already know who it is? [quote] I wont link cuz DL doesnt like the Mail, We don't like when people start threads with a daily mail link. Is the person still in the community? Then you've got to go an search for the story. so many reddit threads i didn't read all the way through. He used a gun. Click on the bottom of the OPs post to read all 630 comments. Libby fought back. " as well as recorded him giving the chilling command, Guys.down the hill.. Like I said above, the girls would have been heard screaming if they were killed at 3 pm. There is a new sketch of BG in which he looks much younger. (Sic?). He looked through his binoculars and saw the 2 bodies and notified LE. Not only for justice, but because that means that the sick sob who murdered those girls is off the streets. This goes along with the theory they know who it is. I thought well, maybe most women have nails like that and Ive just never noticed. I want to know more about what kind of DNA they have and if it could get the killer. Also, the way he was standing in one picture was almost exactly the same stance as BG. In 1966, she moved to the United States where she began to appear in films and television, and settled there. Investigators worked up a composite sketch of the man in the photo. Because why else would anybody pretend to be CERTAIN it's not him? Yes indeed, we too use "cookies." So let's not get personal over this, ok? It was a matter of when rather than if they were caught. I wish theyd nail this guy. I posted at R413. Q. I just cannot imagine a community knowing and someone not taking matters into their hands if law enforcement wont. Such a mystery, this crime. I used to regularly take my family dog out for a walk in a wooded area near my house when I was a teen, it wasn't a popular area but every so often I'd cross paths with someone and even as a well built teenage guy with a german shepherd I felt vulnerable, so I can only imagine how those girls must have felt in their final moments. The central piece of evidence that police had secured was a statement from Garnett in which he told them that he had, indeed, committed the murder. The Daily Fail has an article posted today that has a suspect being investigated. If only. [quote]The only thing I can think of is that he was comparing body to body three unusual things done to/with each body. R299, the tattoo dates to before the murders, there's a photo of him playing with a puppy in 2016 where he has the tat. I cannot find any source of Robert Ives, former Carroll Co prosecutor, stating anything about non-secular signatures. R199 Interesting take. Not sure this guy would have tried to grab a couple of young boys, but who knows? No one really has a good idea of what he looks or sounds like. [quote][R349] Not according to Chadwell's brother in the local news clip. He spent a lot of time outdoors, even camping under a bridge, and he's clearly a psychopath even if it's not him. I actually rewatched the transition multiple times. Delphi was 76 years old at the time of death. State police say the person behind the account used photos of a male model and "portrayed himself as being extremely wealthy and owning numerous sports cars.". Their bodies were found nearby a day later. Delphi Lawrence (23 March 1932 11 April 2002) was an English actress. The murderer was or is definitely local or at least knew the trail. I hope Im wrong and this is the guy. She is currently single. Just let us hear it. He said he would take her home, Garnett testified. I'm sure I read that somewhere. They have loud piano music drowning out the grandmother right now. I truly thought this was a crime of opportunity. His wife Cantor Cathy Lawrence confirmed the news to The Hollywood Reporter but did not specify a cause of death at the time. Hopefully the lack of screams means they were killed very fast. The only two options arent they did it and they know who did it. The True Crime Garage podcast just dropped a 3 part episode all focused on one person of Interest. When that pickup time arrived, the girls were nowhere to be found. That said, the writing style to me reads as a man in either law enforcement or law. Delphi Lawrence was born on March 23, 1932 in London, United I wonder who called him as a tip and why? However, if there's a whole ring behind this anthony_shots profile, maybe that's what they're trying to get him to expose. That's got to be the guy. Don't have a link, sorry, but a story at the Daily Mail today says he's been beaten up by the other inmates at the prison he's in. He did everything to appear like a successful law student and volunteered in political circles. When LE speaks of a religious aspect to the poses, I think it could be that Libby was posed to look like she had been crucified with blood coming from her hands and the from the wound that the stake made in her abdomen. As for the FBI, are they even involved? Trying to recall which podcast, but it was raised with either a family remember it law enforcement. Thanks for proving why we should NOT have the death penalty, r194, the difference is that Lam wasn't even murdered, while these girls clearly were. If you do not like it, please feel free to creep off somewhere else. My old and new rabbit holes were on the Beeks, Pat and Angel Br@wn and their little pickup, then Micah H, then pastor JDW. Like Bundy fantasized and preyed on young thin college women with long brunette hair. The "leaker" is a phony and the sub-reddit moderator is a fool. She looked pretty and like she was asleep. I think he was probably there and/or watching, simply because he thought we were on the wrong path," Carter said when the second sketch was released. No one has inside info and the people posting on reddit are fucking creepy and disturbing. And he does indeed look younger than he is, which explains the second sketch. According to Leigh Kerr there was a religious aspect to the crime scene and the bodies were staged. And it was in no way someone going rogue. This was a deliberate move by those handling the case to draw someone out. I just finished part II. [quote] Payback? I lived near the Platte Canyon High School tragedy. Between the similar looks and the fact of his crime being almost identical to the Delphi murders, I really feel he is the killer. He is a serial killer. Also, this trail has spotty cell tower reception. None of the other people of interest turned out to be a suspect. Little by little, he broached the subject with relatives who had previously remained silent about the death. One day, months later, the father took his young son out hunting on some land that bordered the land of the boyfriends, the son was looking through the scope of the rifle and noticed something across from them, the father went to look through the scope and was shot and killed. There is also no doubt in my mind that he kept a "memento" from the victims to relive the crime over and over again, the way John Wayne Gacy did. I would have great concerns over that case.. Chadwell's more in shape. He is currently serving a life sentence without parole. Small town or not, this is the 21st century. Leigh Kerr appears to be intelligent and if he/she is for real, my guess is he/she is an attorney in the DAs office. I'm not yet convinced, he does fit the sketch, he is a real creep but that still doesn't prove he did it. It was only about a minute long and he just said he didn't do it. There have been texts on Reddit for years now. Just that I assume he was some sort of transient. Sick, sick, sick. You have all of the money at the point of sale. Carroll County Sheriffs OfficeCarroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenvy has been working the Delphi Murders case for four years. I think you could be right about that being all they have UNLESS everything else is too disturbing (him talking but you can also hear the girls pleading or whatever). What really strikes me, though, is the photos from the Facebook account. Listen above to the History Uncovered podcast, episode 24: The Delphi Murders, also available on iTunes and Spotify. The amount of weapons he is carrying give him the appearance of weighing more than he does, and to me it makes he seem older than his real age, jmo. I hope he is the one who did this. Last night, I read through a long thread on Reddit and it was frightening, sad, and had information that I hadn't read before. The guy is way older. Her mother, Gladys Kent, was a classical dancer and was responsible for forming the children's dance troupe, the Kent Babes, Her father George was a musician and she grew up in Hayling Island, Hampshire, Educated at Let's seeon one hand, this guy was found with a 9 year old girl chained up in his basement, having been kidnapped, sexually molested and beaten. The charges stem from a search of his Peru, Indiana home on February 25, 2017 - just 11 days after the bodies of Liberty and Abby were found. Evidently the sheriff is going to answer submitted questions. She died 12 years later, in 2002, aged 70, from undisclosed causes. Articulate in the use of terms of art through practice. Why? It would have echoed in the woods far and wide. The way he says guys 20 seconds in. Just my opinion, but I think he has no connection to that town. But still killing two teenage girls who decided at the last minute to take an unadvertised hike? Agree R183. Lawrence says he has begun asking questions about his sisters murder and the case against Garnett in order to learn the truth about what happened after so many years of being kept in the dark about the matter. Please click here to register for free. This case haunts me. Delphi Timeline: The investigation into the murders of Libby and Abby. Delphi Lawrence (Delphi Cajetana Holzman) was born on 23 March, 1932 in Hampstead, London, England, UK, is an Actress. A. While I understand the video makes it look like an older man, as others have indicated the bridge has very large gaps. Although the science of DNA was largely unknown in 1972, when Garnett was tried, there is the possibility that tests could be done now. They're keeping a lot from press. I still don't understand how or why they complied with this guy's orders unless he had a weapon. Not uncommon at all. This also speaks to an evidentiary aspect of the investigation. Chadwell isn't exactly a spring chicken, he's 42. She also played Mrs Johnson, the leading role in Willy Russell's Blood Brothers, for four years at London's Phoenix Theatre. The telephone Tip Line is (844) 459-5786. The case of Abby and Libbys horrific double-murder remains cold, with tips continuing to roll in, but at least a year since the last Delphi murders update. Of course I say it could, but all of this is only a guess. Please let there be some DNA evidence. I saw the helicopter photos but it didnt look like anything to me. I don't understand how people see a gun and a knife in that sweet little puppy he used to lure the girls down the hill. The day the girls went missing, there were dozens of people looking for them. There were no trail cams, at the time of the murders. 1950. This case is just so frustrating. HLN is doing a 2 part series on the Delphi girls on Feb 14 and 15. Is he the guy here continually saying "No way it's him. The other investigators corroborated Durnells testimony, although under the objection of Garnetts court-appointed attorney, V. Clayton McQuiddy of West Chester, the statement was not read in court. There is a rumor that one of the girls had been bit by a dog. I really hope that this is the killer so he will be caught and punished. Hard to imagine any group of people conspiring to murder a little girl, but it becomes at least possible under the above theory - huge variations in whats been officially said about probable perp, including that most recent sketch looks nothing like dude in pics & also looks half his age has led to speculation of involvement by both a father & his impregnating son - this part IDK IIRC in all aspects . but there was a car parked nearby the next day that registration showed belonged to local boy (with Christian community connections? They can see it in another. Enough"? "I don't want this person to do this again, and if he has, I hope that I'm able to help that family and be a part of their lives eventually," Kelsi said. Her net worth has been growing significantly in 2021-2022. Why have you never released the FBIs suspect profile to the public? sounds pretty close to "down the hill, guys" voice. that's hard to believe r295 as they were said to be posed. "We realized that this is a totally different type of investigation.. See full bio Born: She was an actress, known for The Man Who Could Cheat Death (1959), The Man Who Finally Died (1959) and The Avengers (1961). Had previously remained silent about the death March 23, 1932 in London United. Older man, as others have indicated the bridge has very large.! The DAs office religious aspect to the Hollywood Reporter but did not specify a cause of.. The press conference held on April 22, 2019 a man in law! Boys, but it was in prison, at the time younger than he is currently serving a sentence! 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