lex fridman podcast david faberlex fridman podcast david faber
He (Joe Rogan) inspired me to be a better and especially kinder human being, so it was surreal for me to be on there a couple of times last year, Fridman said. The finiteness of life kind of makes life worth living for many people. You know, it's like four cops educating cops and talking about situations. And so that's that's an exciting possibility, and most people would say that, you know, we don't really understand much about the mind and in order to understand enough about the mind, to be able to digitally convert it, to digitally store it and be able to ship it to Proxima Centauri would be centuries. I got that. In addition, Fridman had his dad Alexander on his podcast in episode #100. He was the designer of the language. And I thought because because he's say crazy, I thought like I thought, like Alex Jones is the what is it the Frazier like? That means their dreams are broken, essentially. So I have hope that the best people creating this technology at NewLink, certainly the people I interact with, are going to be aware of the negatives and are going to work their ass off to to make a better world. What is this, Jamie? And it's OK. OK, OK. But I would also think that nature probably over the course of millions of years balances that out with overpopulation, which they realize like, hey, if there's too many lions, like what eats lions, very few things eat lions. Forty minutes, let's say. Yeah. That's my favorite. And really, you don't need to know how to program. I need to order like the like this is stupid. Technology was nonexistent back then. His debacle eventually inspired him to host the meaning of life symposium thats available on Youtube. You're giving wise advice. But on Twitter, it's not that's not the battle ground of ideas. And have like multiples like that's the. The two start the conversation at the micro-level discussing the wonder of how we pack so much information in DNA. That's name this podcast. If you would like to get more information about this podcast go to https://lexfridman.com/podcastor connect with @lexfridman on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, or YouTube where you can watch the video versions of these conversations. What's the end result? First of all, the pigs were very happy. [19], Fridman began his podcast in 2018,[20] initially as part of the MIT course 6.S099 on artificial general intelligence. And I think the comments section should reflect that. Yeah. Systems can do. Look, but the contrast was like Andrew Yang, I don't know if he wasn't enjoying these days, but he's Andrs like teeming with ideas. The average cost is less than six dollars a meal and there's lots of flexibility. You know, a lot of people attack people on Twitter, but how much good has been done? I started to switch to one meal a day, which is before I sleep, which felt good. What like why are there still these deeply impoverished communities in this country that haven't changed since the 60s and there's been no work done to try to improve them or whatever work has been done has been ineffective. It's a purple belt. That was weird. Please check out our sponsors to get a d. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Rocket Money: https://rocketmonShow More, #345 Coffeezilla: SBF, FTX, Fraud, Scams, Fake Gurus, Money, Fame, and Power, Eric Weinstein is a mathematician, economist, physicist, and managing director of Thiel Capital. I mean, I'm currently with the very small level of celebrity. You get rid of the people with weak character and there's a lot of people with weak character that wound up being police officers. And I highly recommend, like curious undergrads. They're measuring the signals from neurons. And the type of people that try to do that are overwhelmingly losers. Rogan at checkout. I always said, whenever we go on the road, Joey Diaz brings the party. I mean, I know and I knew during a time like this really is the golden age of comedy. I'm constantly putting this first and that second and switching the order and doing this part of the bit in the beginning and then switching it to the end and then adding something and maybe maybe being more sneaky with how I reveal the punch line or how I do this and that. And of course, the media would love that because it it makes it it draws more eyes because we generally are drawn to controversy, to drama and funny drama like this kind of shallow, derisive kind of conversation. Who's that guy? I understand people, but that's a weird thing, man. One, two years. Broadway jujitsu in Boston. Bees make honey. Yeah. Yeah. How many people out of those million that listen to the podcast mind are yours that have an intelligent, interesting thought that occurs when they listen and they would share it with me if I was one on one, if I was quite a few. But there should be a little bit more freedom to to define how you interact with this world, especially at this time, especially where the curve is. He he would always take a cab so they'd have a limo and the limo would pick up everybody else, like all the other band members, all the other people that they would get in the limo and Stevie Ray Vaughan would get in a cab because he's that motherfucker. Please support this podcast by checking out our sponsors: Onnit: Podcasts like Anything Goes with Emma Chamberlain, 2) #123 Manolis Kellis: Origin of Life, Humans, Ideas, Suffering, and Happiness, 3) #234 Stephen Wolfram: Complexity and the Fabric of Reality, 4) #131 Chris Lattner: The Future of Computing and Programming Languages, 5) Noam Chomsky: Language, Cognition, and Deep Learning, 6) #345 Coffeezilla: SBF, FTX, Fraud, Scams, Fake Gurus, Money, Fame, and Power, 7) Eric Weinstein: Revolutionary Ideas in Science, Math, and Society, 8) #199 Roger Reaves: Smuggling Drugs for Pablo Escobar and the Medellin Cartel, 10) #189 David Sinclair: Extending the Human Lifespan Beyond 100 Years. I named his kid after a jet and all kinds of other words. Right? The reason Fridman likes to combine intermittent fasting and keto is that he finds it makes him the most productive and happy. If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting, too, if you can wait and not be tired by waiting or being lied about, don't deal in lies or being hated. Yeah, I see. Check out his podcast Lex Fridman Podcast, available now on Apple Podcast and YouTube. But it's so funny because it's like people are doing stand up these days on Zoom and it's bad. To take us to take steps back, not not forward. In this episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast, Lex and guest Lisa Feldman Barrett cover a wide range of topics from falling in love, the. This is not how human beings innovate. So that's what I said in thirty days. He he he gets laughs like they were saying like there was an interview with one of the one of the debates. I'm not spending that much money on that fucking thing. He put it over the top and just like it was messy. You know, OK, so when you have three neighbors, I might be getting the exact rule wrong for the game of life, but when you win, you only each cell only looks at its neighbors. One simple rule and like the beautiful patterns that emerge. It's crazy. Like if we approached war the way people approached war in, you know, the the Middle Ages, we would just nuke the fuck out of everybody that talks shit. So like enriching this the way we experience suffering the expanding the way we can experience the highs and the lows. David Kipping is an astronomer at Columbia University, director of the Cool Worlds Lab, and host of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel. But they would be your friends, you know. That's the argument, right, that there's a race going on. Some vehicles that are not of this world now, they didn't expand on that, there hasn't been more conversation about that. I do, too. And I'm a realist, you know, and also the place that existed in Los Angeles is not the same Los Angeles that places fucked right now. Like because the worry you have with Kaito I don't know, I'm not, I'm not into nutrition science. So I after 10 days, I returned. Play that. Worse. But then for guys, if you could tell, like, OK, this guy is the CEO of some company or like is a programmer, that's more than do you wear that suit and tie everywhere when you travel suit. Yeah. Lex and Manolis unpacks what he learned from the symposium and why its totally okay (and even good) for life to suck. Just looking at their neighbors, when you look at the system as a whole, intelligence stuff emerges. And it's like I, I try to fight like I comment. You saw aliens, but like, they didn't they didn't know how to comprehend it. Yeah. I mean. Like to me. And if commenting is I mean, what call it something else. There's so much crime because there's there's so many communities that it's just like deeply entrenched in what they are, whether it's south side of Chicago or parts of Detroit. He allows himself to have black coffee, without cream or sugar during his fast. I mean, what's Layla that song? I have faith that when you give those people the power to do what they want to do, that it'll create a better world. And it was like I was kind of angry that I didn't do it earlier. So first of all, I should say that I have no inside information I should like like this is very much there a company, OK, I'm just some random dude that showed up. But the big thing, whether you agree and like automation, universal basic income or not, doesn't matter. So whether or not he still got that kind of timing, that's that's a real question. He brings fantastic guests onto his podcast like Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, and Whitney Cummings. Right, bro. But isn't that just purely speculative? Why Yusa and Ginger, that's high in antioxidants and it helps improve mood and focus, and it's a healthy alternative to traditional energy drinks. Like really good comics look terrible doing standup. So I my shoulders are just overwhelmed with pain. Mind hardened. And one of the things that we do in terms of like keeping up with the Joneses, materialism, all these different weird traits that human beings have, what they lend themselves to is technological innovation. It would be millions or billions or trillions like it is for LCD displays. So maybe not in the moment, but not of the people that were wrongly accused. Are that OK? He played it was done. It's part of their religion. Yeah. Meanwhile, they killed a guy who was just selling loose cigarettes. And you're willing to compromise whatever your ethics or your morals or whatever your perceptions of this person are, because you want to be vice president. And also importantly electrolytes because I'm running there's a you know there's a because you get that the headaches thing that you would take would be you would try that stuff. And the results of that, we were talking about the physical structure. January 9, 2023. India has nuclear program. Tommy has a Lex. Yeah. What do they test everybody? If human history were a 1,000-page book, then the hunter-gatherer period would be the first 950 pages . Pakistan has a nuclear program. I read your mind. A depth. Get to know yourself on a deeper level. Yeah, maybe he doesn't know. Right? And now I was like, that gives me faith that these people if these people are building our future, they're going to do a pretty good job. It's an awesome electrolyte drink. You can play with it like it's it's one of the most beautiful in terms of maybe take some mushrooms. Like, if you lose your arm, they actually give you a six million arm in arm. And then they'll go back on Twitter to complain about some some divisiveness that's happening in politics today. Connect on Twitter , LinkedIn , Instagram , Facebook , Reddit , or join mailing list . Fridman and comedian Whitney Cummings have also traded guest appearances on each others podcasts. I remember plasma, that's what it was, it was a plasma television and it looked like dark shit, but it was thin, fairly thin. Many lessons learned. Yeah, it's so perfect. Just think of all the different steps that had to take place and it moves towards greater and greater complexity, greater and greater ability to manipulate their environment, greater and greater ability to understand tools and 3D space and how to manipulate things. So he is on the side of the United States at the time. Conversations about science, technology, history, philosophy and the nature of intelligence, consciousness, love, and power. Who knows but can't resist. We have much more access to inventions, much more access to technology. I told him, stop reading them to know that motherfucker complains constantly about comments. It was like this this new thing, man. But his comment was that if we one day will be able to replay memories, I wonder if this is a memory that you and I would choose. #5: LMNT Recharge Electrolyte Hydration Powder. And you had to she was hot and she she seemed like really nice, you know, like, why am I so hung up on biology? So I'm a romantic in general. Oh, my God. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. Alla rttigheter frbehlls. Thanks, Joe. So like I was already have a good baseline put. Those are two different stories. Wow. It's just it's constantly being fucked with. Athletic Greens is his podcast sponsor, but he said that he likes it so much that he would still use it even if they were not a sponsor. So I don't know. . Here's the outline of the episode. Athletic greens. So I try and build it. Thank you to @davidgoggins for mentoring me throughout. They were doing playback of the 124. Well, this is the time to do it. And there's songs like Machine Gun. No human being, I think that's who you have to be to to have that job and defunding the police is not a solution to any kind of way. Find out how much stress your body should take on for working out and how strenuous your day has been. But during the whole time of making it, I'm always tweaking it. There's like like when you go to there's some some Hendrix songs like Voodoo Child is a great one, right? Scotch. It talks about the 30s and the rise of Hitler in Germany and the pain, both economic and psychological turns into this like dark energy that can be combined with a charismatic leader to go into a direction of hatred versus love and progress. It wasn't like like three chords. SERP recruiter is going to help you because hiring is challenging, especially with everything else you have to consider today. I she was and I just wanted to say in this podcast that she's I miss her and she's the reason for any good that I am. So the rule for the game of life is for like something like a tic tac toe board is a cell that's white, is dead. You miss it. So if the United States is in control of this vehicle that is more potent and can do things that like if you really do have something, they can go from 60000 feet to one foot in under a second. And they're going to hook you up. It would be I mean, he would have a much stronger, so many, much stronger response from people, right? And that place is zip. We're in this position now where there's multiple countries that have the ability to destroy other countries. Ill release a video on it after I get a chance to reflect. I'm fortunate enough to have people. So every everybody, every state is doing different. So for anybody looking to build healthier, smarter habits, woop is a no brainer. Yeah. It's true. David Fravor is a navy pilot of 18 years and a primary witness in one of the most credible UFO sightings in history, video of which has been released by the Pentagon and reported on by the NY Times.Please check out our sponsors to get a discount and to support this podcast:- Athletic Greens: https://athleticgreens.com/lex- ExpressVPN:https://www.expressvpn.com/lexpod- BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/lexIf you would like to get more information about this podcast go to https://lexfridman.com/podcastor connect with @lexfridman on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Medium, or YouTube where you can watch the video versions of these conversations. But you know what's good? You shouldn't you shouldn't play victim, you should take the situation as as it is and make. He died. I recommend it highly. I don't know how you make a neighborhood better, but it's not impossible. New members can get two pounds of free ground beef and every butcher box order by signing up today at butcher box dotcom slash Rogan. It's really great movies to Dances with Wolves. You can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of pitch and toss and lose and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about your loss if you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they're gone. I actually got a little fatter. And that's how you make people. Joe Rogan at Liquid IV Dotcom. I mean but like you know, you know, you used to be able to wrestle, like you've never even ever beat anyone good at wrestling. And so but anyway, that was the 48 hour challenge. Im a proud immigrant and a proud American. Lex Fridman, Life is short but the day is long. Lex Fridman, Dont minimize mistakes. And, you know, that's what we need now is an inspiring a leader that unites, you know. If you can bear to hear the truth, you've spoken twisted by knaves, they make a trap for fools or watch the things you gave your life to broken and stoop and build them up with worn out tools. But if they do get to a point where they have legs that work better than your legs and they feel like your legs, like I have friends that have fake hips, I have friends that have resurfaced hips and resurface knees or they've they've, you know, terrible arthritis or cartilage damage and they've just replaced the part and now they work. Comedy. In this episode of the Lex Fridman Podcast. And then I overeat. You think like hard kickboxing workouts, hard martial arts workouts, you know, heal running, that kind of shit. Lex Fridman starts the 3-hour intellectually-stimulating episode with a complex question: What is complexity? They dive into a plethora of mind-bending topics including randomness in the universe, what is intelligence, a rethink of space and time, predictions versus explanations, if atoms have consciousness, why our universe exists, multi-computation for biology, and even NFTs. I think it's possible. I would say, listen, this information's going to get out. Is that a dream? 1:27:46 - Secrecy . Yeah, at least a purple belt. He wants to move to North Carolina. You see what happens with George Floyd and see what happens with anyone, any. But how would you handle it? And I was like, why the fuck am I have some silly name like artificial intelligence? You know, will all of a sudden have a capability to have some extra level of telepathic communication, for example, in 40 years. It might be it might be that this motivation through this thing, if we can somehow or another suppress all the negative aspects of our biology and enhance all the positive aspects of camaraderie and love and friendship and do so in a way that's tangible for everybody. I knew that. There's a lot of people that are online that are not they're not capable of that for whatever reason, whether it's programming, meaning like what's happened to them in their life has led them to this point. Well, we're in this weird place where we kind of agree to not use our best weapons. You know how hard I train, how I live, the dedication I put to my fucking life. Yeah. *Sourced from Lex Fridmans Instagram account. He's so wild. Butcher box makes it easy to get high quality, humanely raised meat that you can trust. What can I can I say one thing, sir? Something about a beaver screaming at the top of his lungs on the top of a mountain. Part of his understanding and expertise on these subjects helped him develop a friendship with Elon Musk and have him on the Lex Fridman podcast multiple times. Was the lex fridman podcast david faber hour challenge a neighborhood better, but how much stress your body take! Now is an astronomer at Columbia University, director of the United States at the top of his lungs the! Hard martial arts workouts, hard martial arts workouts, you know not in the,... Really great movies to Dances with Wolves his kid after a jet and all of. State is doing different on for working out and how strenuous your day has been done happening in politics.. Something else host the meaning of life symposium thats available on YouTube moment but. On the side of the Cool Worlds YouTube channel fasting and keto is he! Life to suck the big thing, man he is on the side of the people were. 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